Average Rent in Different States of USA

(4.0 ★,
140 Students)
Price per Classroom
Budgeting,Home Loan
15 Minutes

Activity Description

In this worksheet activity, students will analyze a data table that shows Fair Market Rent for different room sizes across various states. They will answer questions based on this data, enhancing their understanding of housing costs. Additionally, students will prioritize various factors that influence their choice of housing location, including amenities, safety and security, cost of living, community, and environment, accessibility and commute, condition and maintenance, proximity to work or school, and type of housing using a drag-and-drop activity. This activity encourages critical thinking and helps students learn to make informed decisions about housing.

Learning Objective

The objective of this activity is to enhance students' data analysis skills and deepen their understanding of regional cost variations in housing expenses across different states of the USA. By analyzing the data on average rent, students will develop critical thinking abilities, strengthen their financial awareness regarding housing affordability challenges, and sharpen their analytical skills in drawing conclusions based on real-world data.

Teacher Tips

Included with the activity, you can view the tips to clarify student's doubts or to evaluate answers (for a teacher scored worksheet).
Econ Ed -
Students will know that Housing decisions depend on individual preferences, circumstances, and costs, and can impact personal satisfaction and financial well-being .. Students will use this knowledge to 12-6a . Identify financial and personal reasons that younger adults often choose to rent a home instead of buying . 12-6b . Compare the short-term and long-term costs and benefits of renting versus buying a home in their city of residence . 12-6c . Define key rental contract terminology, including lease term, security deposit, grace period, and eviction .
Econ Ed -
Students will know that People differ in their preferences, priorities, and resources available for consuming goods and services .. Students will use this knowledge to 4-1a . Give examples of differences in people’s preferences that can influence their spending on goods and services . 4-1b . Brainstorm a personal list of goals for consumption of goods and services . 4-1c . Prioritize future spending, taking resource limitations into account .
Price per Classroom
Budgeting,Home Loan
15 Minutes
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