Converting Between Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages

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Activity Description

In this worksheet, students will engage in a comprehensive exercise designed to enhance their skills in converting numbers between fractions, decimals, and percentages. The worksheet presents a table where each row contains a number in one of these formats. Students must accurately fill in the other two formats, reinforcing their understanding of the relationships between these three key mathematical representations.

Activity Overview:

  • Converting Between Formats: Each problem in the worksheet provides a number in either fraction, decimal, or percentage form. Students are required to convert that number into the two other formats and fill in the corresponding columns in the table.
  • 15 Unique Problems: The worksheet contains 15 problems for students to solve, with each row presenting a new challenge. To ensure that students are independently working on their skills, each student will receive a unique set of problems.
  • Individualized Learning: The unique problem sets ensure that students are engaging with the material in a personalized way, reducing the likelihood of copying and encouraging individual progress
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["Numbers & Operations","Fractions","Ratios & Proportions"]
30 Minutes
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