Workplace Ethics: What’s the Big Deal?
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Lab Description
Emily, is an employee of a pizza shop. Her friends order a pizza, and then ask her not to charge them because her boss is away and will never know. She rejects their request, but some of her friends have trouble understanding why.
Some people are intensely loyal to their friends and may make inappropriate decisions in order to please them. Your students must think about the complex issues of Emily’s problem, realizing that this is not a simple matter of giving away one pizza. Emily’s integrity, the financial viability of her employer, and her manner of handling decisions in the future will be influenced by the way she handles this situation.
Student Feedback
I will remember that budgeting is really important and can help you get what you want the right way.
- Student
I will remember the fact that i ended up 2,000 dollars in debt even though I was being conservative with my spending.
- Student
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1 Hour
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