Demystifying Taxes
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Lab Description
This lab teaches the basic concepts of taxes, paystub analysis, why taxes are essential, calculating taxes, types of taxes, tax filing, etc. using interactive digital activities. The lab is divided into three sections
- Basics of Taxes
- Tax Filing
- Conclusion
In the section "Basics of Taxes", students will learn about -
- What are taxes
- Interactive worksheet to categorize government spending in a year and calculate the total in each category.
- Interactive worksheet to analyze the paystub of an employee.
- How the government uses the tax money
- Types of Taxes
- Income tax in detail
- Interactive worksheet to familiarize & calculate progressive tax
- Taxable income and deductions
- Income tax calculation worksheet.
In the section "Tax Filing", students will learn about -
- Filing taxes
- Interactive worksheet to analyze W-2
- Interactive worksheet to use the W-2 and fill out Form 1040
- Research and Writing activities
In the conclusion section of the lab, students will write a letter to the state representative suggesting three changes in how tax money is used.
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