Square Root : practice 2

New Activity (No Rating Yet)
Price per Classroom
Grade Levels
Algebra,Expressions & Equations
10 Minutes

Activity Description

Students will help Tom reach the exit point by solving 10 square root problems. Initially, only one box will appear with a square root problem, when the student provides correct answer, a bridge to another box and another problem will be revealed, and this goes on until students reach the tenth problem. When the tenth problem is solved, Tom will reach the exit point.

This activity is designed to help students practice their square root skills in a fun and interactive way.

Teacher Tips

Included with the activity, you can view the tips to clarify student's doubts or to evaluate answers (for a teacher scored worksheet).
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Price per Classroom
Grade Levels
Algebra,Expressions & Equations
10 Minutes
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When you purchase a lab per classroom, the license allows you to use the lab with a single classroom of up to 40 students.

This means:

  • The price listed is for one classroom of up to 40 students.
  • For larger classrooms or multiple classrooms, additional licenses will be required.
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